меню правой кнопки

  • 最后更新时间: 2016-08-17 13:35:29
  • / 创建时间: 2016-08-17 12:04:49

TheContext Menuis a pop-up menu that appears whenever you click inside the CKEditorediting area with the right mouse button, use theMenu/Application key on your keyboard, or the Shift+F10keyboard shortcut. It serves as a shortcut for most common operations available for a given type of object.

The image below presents the context menu for a link embedded in the document:

CKEditor's context menu for links

The menu is context-sensitive which means that the options displayed in it depend on the object that you click.

If, for example, you press the right mouse button while inside a table, you will see some table-specific options available in its context menu.

CKEditor 's context menu for tables

Note that for some more complex objects, like a table, the context menu might include sub-menus with further options. To open the sub-menu, go to the menu option containing a small right-pointing arrow ( arrow) and either click it with your mouse or use theRight Arrowkey on your keyboard. To return to the parent menu, use your mouse or theLeft Arrowkey.

To perform an operation listed in the context menu, click it with the left mouse button. You can also move up and down the context menu with theUpandDown Arrowkeys or theTab and Shift+Tab combinations. Once an option is highlighted, you can activate it with the Space or Enterbutton. If an option is grayed out, like theCut and Copy operations in the first screenshot, it is unavailable unless some pre-conditions are met (e.g. an element is selected).

important note
In some environments and browsers clicking the right mouse button results in the browser context menu covering CKEditor context menu. If this is the case, press the Esckey once to close the browser context menu and reveal the CKEditor menu hidden below.
