Five Questions to Help You Avoid the Google SEO Pitfalls

With the increasing demand for online marketing, poor-quality Google SEO promotion companies are also becoming more and more rampant, and many companies suffer from it. In order to avoid falling into the trap of Google SEO promotion, Jiexin Internet Marketing Agency provides you with 5 effective identification methods.
If you are a business owner, you must have done a lot of Internet marketing promotion continuously. These promotions may come from yourLinkedInprofile, Gmail or social networks.
If you’ve spent time listening to a lot of sales hyperbole, it’s pretty much the same: “If you give us four to six months, we’ll get to the top of Google for all major keywords”. Business owners often fall in love with this kind of fancy tricks, and there may be a big boost in Google rankings at first, but then a big drop in rankings will only disappoint you.
If you've been there, you're no different than millions of other business owners. Today the Internet has become the most powerful and important marketing channel that takes up a lot of our time.
The ever-increasing demand for increased online visibility has spawned a huge industry of shoddy marketing firms who pay lip service to you and often fail to deliver. Before 2012, this shoddy marketing probably didn't do much harm, or at worst had little positive effect. However, that has all changed since Google first updated its Penguin algorithm: Poor marketing can also have a negative impact.
it's here,Jiexin Network Marketing AgencyWanted to give you some advice on how you can evaluate a network marketing agency to see if it is a good choice. Asking the following questions can directly tell you what you are buying and whether the item or service you paid for is of value to you.
1. Inappropriatelink buildingDamaged your brand? 4 warning signs.
Link building is an easy-to-follow tactic that will do the most damage to your brand in the shortest amount of time. 99% of SEO companies regard link building as one of their core services.
This is really tricky. Because having a strong link stat is still extremely important for Google rankings. In the foreseeable future, any opportunity to improve the ranking of the website in organic search can be exploited by Internet marketing agencies. That means you need to protect yourself.
Here are 4 warning signs when something like this happens:
1. The company does not display the exact URL of your job.
2. Only aim at some narrow term sets (such as 10 or 20 keywords).
3. Match the exact anchor text ratio.
Content posted on spammy sites.
2. Is Your Content Building Effort Getting Bad Advice? There are 4 differences to consider.
An effective Internet marketing strategy is to publish on your brand's own website or bloghigh quality contentVersion, is the most important thing you can do. During this process, the thing to remember is that quality is definitely more valuable than quantity.
We can see that consistently adding content to your site on a regular basis can be worth any effort you make to earn links. If you think about it, the point of this principle is this:
If you have a website that hasn't had many visitors for 5 years and then suddenly starts getting a lot of outbound links, it may seem like you hired an SEO company. However, if your website consistently publishes quality content to begin with, and that content is being shared across social media networks, some new links will be generated. It makes more sense to generate links naturally.
Here are 4 differences to be aware of:
1. Quantity vs. Quality:
If you're told, search engines are looking for sites with as much content as possible, without too much quality writing. This shows that you are not working with the right people. Reliable and valuable content is a must for the website.
2. Links vs. content on your own website:
If you've been told, it doesn't really matter what's on your own brand's site as long as there are articles linking to your site. Then you have to be careful.
3. Copyright infringement vs. original works:
Some SEO marketing companies take a shortcut by copying content from other sites and posting it on your website or blog. Not only is this typical copyright infringement, which has legal risks, but copying content is also unlikely to add value to your website.
4. Original content vs. structured design content:
An inexperienced marketer might say, "Don't worry about the design or the format of your blog post, that's just for search engines." Industry experts will tell you that well-planned, well-thought-out design will please you both in appearance and content of visitors and keep them coming back to your website.
3. Do Network Marketing Agencies Hide Shoddy Work? 3 things to watch out for on distracting topics.
For as long as internet marketing has existed, there have certainly been clients complaining about the transparency of internet marketing, and I've heard some ridiculous classics over the years:
1. Proprietary
"Our operational implementation is a proprietary secret recipe, so we cannot show you any details."
2. The exact URL is not available
"We'd love to show you various jobs, but we're not allowed to show exact URLs."
3. Confidentiality
"According to the contract, we cannot show you the relevant details of any existing cooperation customers."
Whether you are pre-sale or post-sale, you should ask to see the specific post-completion URL. If the SEO marketing agency puts any type of resistance on you based on this request, you should use other methods to find out.
Any marketing firm worth their salt will be more than happy to show you specific examples of all their work items, and they'll proactively show you the exact URLs from all the action items of the completed implementation.
4. Have you signed with a shoddy marketing company? 3 excuses for bad companies.
SEO companies have been trying to force clients to sign long-term contracts for years, and I think it's clear how unsure these companies are about the results they're getting from their campaigns. If you've ever spoken to a sales rep, you've probably heard the following 3 excuses:
Excuse 1: Paying Fees Up Front
"The only reason we need to sign a contract is because we have a lot of upfront payments to fulfill the contract."
Excuse 2: Time
"Only by fulfilling the contract will the project have enough time to have a significant improvement effect."
Excuse 3: Selling at a loss
"The contract is a channel to protect ourselves. In the first four months of the cooperation period, the projects we did were actually losing money."
Service businesses should not have contracts. If their services are truly valuable, customers will want to keep doing business with them. Signing these types of agreements is a consistent way for low-quality businesses to stay in business.
Remarks from Jiexin Internet Marketing Agency: The American author of this article made the above comments on the contract based on the national conditions of the United States. It is not suitable for China's national conditions. There are many companies in China that default on their payments. Jiexin Network Marketing Agency believes that only by truly providing valuable services to customers can we win customers' long-term trust and years of cooperation. Due to the recognition and support of customers, the customer renewal rate of Jiexin Network Marketing Agency is still 100%.
5. How can I find an excellent marketing company? Look for marketing firms that live up to what they preach.
This is the low-hanging fruit but the most important way to judge the quality of a network marketing agency. If you really study the Internet marketing industry, you will find that the SEO industry is very deep, and 80% to 90% of marketing companies do not live up to the ideas they preach.
Here are the most important things you need to evaluate, and the tools you need to do so:
their owncontent marketingHow are you doing?
How often do they post on their blog?
Theirblog contentHow is it written?
Is their blog topic engaging and relevant?
Is the website design and other corporate marketing materials impressive enough?
Is the website design popular and the website content is constantly being updated?
Do they give away eBooks and other downloaded materials?
How do their sites rank for their strategy terms?
How robust is their link data?
Does the website have a lot of domain name authority?
Does the site have a good anchor text ratio?
Is the website constantly adding new backlinks?
Is the company active on relevant social media networks?
Do they have a trackable and active social media?
Is their website content being shared strategically?
Is the website profile professional and constantly updated?
In conclusion, having a high online presence is very important for any business. Internet marketing has become a lucrative industry, and every year, a large number of companies fall into the trap of SEO promotion. You need to teach yourself something so you don't become the next company to fall into this trap.
