当PageSpeed Insights检测到您的网页未指定视口,或者指定的视口不适合不同设备时,就会触发此规则。
Viewport can control how web pages are displayed on mobile devices. If no viewport is specified, the mobile device renders the Web page to the width of a typical desktop screen and adjusts the Web page to fit the screen size. By setting the viewport, you can control the width and scaling of web pages on different devices.
经过优化可在移动设备上正常显示的网页应在文档标头中包含元视口,指定如下内容:width=device-width, initial-scale=1
width: 100px
) is specified in units of CSS pixels. The ratio of CSS pixels to device-independent pixels is the scale factor or zoom level of the web page.如果网页未指定视口,则移动浏览器将以800至1024 CSS像素的后备宽度呈现该网页。系统会调整网页的比例系数,以便网页与显示屏大小相协调,这就要求用户在与网页互动之前先进行缩放。
The viewport can be set to a specific width, such aswidth=320
Use meta-viewport valueswidth=device-width
有些浏览器(包括iOS和Windows Phone)在旋转为横向模式时会保持网页宽度不变,并且会缩放(而非重排)网页以填充屏幕。添加属性initial-scale=1
,横向宽度变为320像素。width=device-width, initial-scale=1
The lateral width becomes 568 pixels.Web pages must adapt to different widths to use the response viewport. For suggestions, please refer to our调整内容的尺寸,使其符合视口设置的建议。
@ viewport
Although meta-viewport code is widely supported, it is not yet a formal standard. This action will act as aCSS Device Adaptation规范的一部分纳入CSS。本规范最终定稿并广泛实施之前,作者应继续使用元视口代码,从而确保兼容性。您可以单独使用,也可以与相应的@viewport
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