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When you want to apply a formatting method to a larger text fragment, you can select it. CKEditor supports a few selection methods that you can use.

Selecting All Document Contents

To select all contents of the document, click inside CKEditor editing areaand press theSelect All toolbar button. All document elements, including text, images, or tables, will become highlighted. You can now apply whatever action you wish to the selected content.

Selecting all document contents in CKEditor

Alternatively, you can also use the Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut to select everything inside the editing area.

Selecting a Document Fragment

이 경우 해당 문서에서 해당 문서로 임의의

Selecting a document fragment in CKEditor

Note that a document fragment can also be selected with your keyboard.

사용Shift+Arrow lets you select the text by letters and the Ctrl+Shift+Arrow — by words.

TheShift+Home combination selects the text from the cursor to the start of the current line, while the Shift+End — from the cursor to the end of the current line.

The combination ofCtrl+Shift and the HomeorEnd해당 문서, 임의의 문서입니다.

The Shift+PgDnandShift+PgUp shortcuts select a text fragment of approximately the length of the editing area starting from the cursor and going down and up the text, respectively.

Selecting HTML Elements

Another method to select document contents is to use CKEditor elements pathHTML building blocks of the document.To use this feature, click an element's name on the elements path with your mouse. You can also use theAlt+F11 keyboard shortcut to enter the elements path, and then navigate between the elements with the TabandShift+Tab (or Left and Right Arrow) keys. To select an element with your keyboard, use theEnter or Space keys.

CKEditor HTML의 Remember path는 CKEditor HTML을 통틀어 만든 것입니다. 이 소프트웨어는 사용자의 마우스 또는 키보드에 있는 텍스트를 사용하여 만든 것입니다.

Selecting an HTML element with elements path in CKEditor
