How to improve the ROI potential of content marketing?

Content marketing is one of the most popular marketing methods nowadays, so how to improve the return on investment potential of content marketing for foreign trade enterprises? This article will start from the two aspects of content and human conditions, and tell you in detail.
1. Content composition
1. Target customer survey
One of the things that needs to be done when it comes to content components is researching your target customers. There are many channels for investigation, and there are some effective methods among them. In fact, the advertising platform can better mobilize your target audience and guide the traffic of these audiences.
For example, I personally like this StumbleUpon Paid Discovery content component platform. The best part about this use case is that it only costs $0.10 per click. Moreover, you can target different customers. Although it is not as detailed as Facebook or other platforms with similar functions, you can acquire customers by understanding their thoughts, concepts and other attributes.
Another recommendation is the tool UserReport. This tool allows you to conduct customer surveys on your own website. Put the content on the Internet and open UserReport. Once the customer connects to a certain point on the page, the questionnaire pops up. You can ask them some questions, such as: Hello, do you like this content? Would you please share this content? Is there anything in the content that you don't like? Does our content address your specific needs?
You can also use StumbleUpon Paid Discovery to collect data on users who visit your content, helping you build a business case that these people may be interested in this content.
You can do the same with Facebook’s ad targeting options. As I said, Facebook can target your audience very precisely, and this feature has become increasingly sophisticated. In fact, targeting audiences through Facebook ads is similar to standardized market research. You can target by income, education, etc.
If you're looking for B2C customers, it's best to use Facebook. If you're looking for B2B customers, LinkedIn ads may be more effective. You can also target based on company demographics, not just demographics. In both cases, you can also continue to use UserReport to collect data through these customer surveys on your website.
In addition, there is also a tool called SurveyMonkey Audience that can conduct questionnaires based on the population very accurately. All you have to do is fill out the survey, set enough user browsing time and filling time, and then just wait for the results.
2. Competitor Analysis
These are the different ways you can research your target customers to see if your content is performing well. However, competitive analysis is also a great way to refine your content. For example, if you want LG to do something, the best way is to tell them that Samsung is doing it.
You can use Social Crawlytics. This tool can crawl the entire website to identify social sharing on each content module on the website. You can use this tool to analyze yours and your competitors' websites to see what content is working and what is doing little or nothing. You can also quickly determine what content you can create that is similar to competitor sites.
Also, you can use BuzzSumo, which sorts out the above based on the vast amount of content it has. They separate various semantic relationships from the overall content. you can searchKey wordsSee which sections of content are most popular and best match your search terms. Currently, their index library is still small, but the content is very large, especially in terms of SEO. You can quickly identify the effective promotional content of your competitors, and then add similar content to your own website.
Finally, you can use any linking tool such as Open Site Explorer, Ahrefs, Majestic. If you use these toolboxes to look at the top page reports of different competitor sites, you can quickly spot what's working and what's not, and you're also getting a yardstick to make a business case for doing that.
3. Release and Review Discussion
Another tactic I like for identifying content is to use different discussion sites. Quora is a great discussion site. You can look up questions people have asked in the past and see how many people have responded. In this way, you can know which questions are more popular, and you can put them on your website as appropriate.
You can also post a question yourself and see how many people follow it and how many people respond to it. Then, you can look at the statistics of those who paid attention to the problem, which is another business case based on actual data.
Reddit is also pretty good. People love to discuss it on Reddit. We've posted questions in the past that have received a positive response. Of course, there are cases where questions are posted but no response is received. Questions like this are not suitable to be placed on the website.
2. Humanities
business case
These are content and metrics components. But when you want to short-buy these types of content for internal use, what you really need to pay attention to is the human component. When building a business case, you deal with all kinds of people. In fact, they can be your boss, and you have to consider what measures can help him get what he needs, and how your focus on content can create benefits to promote the improvement of those measures.
In most cases, these indicator values ​​are not necessarily indicative. It's not just about questions like: Are we going to be #1 for this keyword? Will we get more traffic from organic search, or more likes on social networks? This goes back to the business factor.
In the case of a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company, the question becomes: Does this help our user acquisition costs and markdown spend ratios? As we drive more traffic, can we reduce the cost of user acquisition and get them to absorb the content and come back to the site to complete the registration? Are we pushing content to high-value prospects? Does it have better long-term value, or even lifetime value? Having said that, the most important thing is to like and forward more. Because these indicators are the most representative indicators that can help your boss get bonuses.
Based on the existing content on your website, have you checked the conversion rate (conversion rate)? To make content, we must start from both quantity and quality (see my explanation on Copyblogger for details). By doing a content audit, you can determine what works and what doesn't, and then you know which type of content you should focus on creating in the future.
Work according to the above frameworks, and then you can see if the content is on point, well, we have relevant content, and the conversion rate is X, then you can make some estimates based on search volume and keyword matching. In other words, you can set a conversion rate based on the social media traffic you want to achieve through these content, and you can reverse the business indicators we mentioned before.
The last two questions are, how does the content reflect your brand story? When it comes to content, we often talk about the construction of the brand message, the voice and tone, the purpose of the brand (or what do you want to extract from the brand)?
Moz is extremely good at telling brand stories, and their stories are amazing. How well do your content sections align with your brand story? For Moz, all they have done is make marketing better.
Finally, which stage does the content section serve in the entire funnel model? Because we are marketers, the purpose of our job is marketing, to drive target customers through the entire funnel process.
If you've done a content audit and found that you're missing a lot of critical content, add a section dedicated to that content to make surecontent marketingThe integrity of the measurement indicators.
